High Quality Forged Sprocket For Scraper Conveyor

High Quality Forged Sprocket For Scraper Conveyor

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Scraper sprocket assembly is generally divided into integral and partial sprocket assembly. First of all, let's take a look at the split sprocket assembly. The partial sprocket assembly is mainly composed of the sprocket body and two semicircular partial rollers. The two semicircular rollers are fixed together with bolts. The two sprocket bodies are located at both ends of the drum respectively, forming a bilateral chain structure. The roller hole is respectively connected with the low degree shaft and blind shaft of the reducer at both ends. The advantage of such a scraper sprocket assembly is that only the sprocket body needs to be replaced when the sprocket teeth are worn.

And integral scraping machine sprocket of component is an organic whole, so when the sprocket component wear after judging wear condition, if not serious can change direction to use for a period of time, if worn one-way requires scraping machine sprocket component repair or change new directly, relative to the split type sprocket component is more troublesome.

The above is the explanation of the structure classification of the scraper sprocket component production and maintenance manufacturers. To learn more about the relevant content of the scraper accessories, pay attention to Henan Shuangzhi. If you have new and maintenance needs of the sprocket components, contact us Henan Shuangzhi.

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High Quality Forged Sprocket For Scraper Conveyor High Quality Forged Sprocket For Scraper Conveyor High Quality Forged Sprocket For Scraper Conveyor